Join us as we explore the PC remaster of Final Fantasy X and X-2, while drawing comparisons with the PS2, PS3 PS4 and Vita versions. The catch: the adjustments necessary to make this work across the entire game will involve months of tinkering, on a scene-by-scene basis.

However, this doesn't mean it's impossible, and a modder going by the name Naxshe is already demonstrating the game operating at a full 60fps. It's understood that many of the game's systems, including audio sync and collision detection, are tied directly to this frame-rate, which makes its removal all the more challenging. Final Fantasy X is limited to 30 frames per second and at least for now, this cannot be unlocked.

The frame-rate cap is a good starting point. But first, we must address a few limitations that remain on PC which may leave some fans disappointed. However, more extravagant modes are included this time, letting us enhance both visuals and gameplay in ways that help earn its title as the definitive version. On PC, the core assets - such as textures and geometry - are identical to the last two home console remasters, and it keeps a form of the ambient occlusion effect added on PS4. Over the top of Virtuos' earlier remasters of the game on PS3, PS4 and Vita, newer features and improvements are made to satisfy the purist. Having debuted on PlayStation 2 back in 2001, Tidus and Yuna's story has never been better presented - and PC adds a surprising suite of new options to bolster the experience. This PC release is the first time this entry has become available outside Sony's ecosystem, with a port that's once again tidily handled by Chinese developer, Virtuos. Original story: PC is already home to superb renditions of the Final Fantasy series' back catalogue, but the arrival of Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD Remaster marks a very special moment. The combination of older game technology combined with the 30fps cap means that you can run this game at 4K and get some astonishingly clean results. We used a reference-clocked GTX 970 for this presentation. UPDATE 29/5/16 4:35pm: We wanted to demonstrate the scalability of this remaster on mainstream PC gaming hardware, so we put together a native 4K video showing the game completely maxed out at UHD resolution, using 8x MSAA to boot.